Welcome to MAIR Careers
We thank you for your interest in career opportunities at MAIR.
We would not be where we are today, if it wasn’t for the talent, devotion, passion and expertise that our staff demonstrate on a daily basis. We value those who are energetic, compassionate and driven to work hard and learn to improve the lives of our patients and their families.
The MAIR clinic is a nationally renowned neurorehabilitation and research facility offering incredible career opportunities. Our energetic, result-centered team delivers exceptional therapy outcomes for our patients, all thanks to the comprehensive clinical training they have been receiving for years. We based our approach and all our operations on the American model of neurorehabilitation. So, we believe with hard work, persistence, compassion and innovation all neurological conditions can be treated with some degree of success. And thus far, every MAIR patient experience improvement.
Our trained therapists provide severely injured patients with breakthrough neurorehabilitation services proven to restore strength, cognition and overall self-confidence and independence. Each MAIR team member has a crucial role in this effort, ensuring our patients can resume their lives as productively as possible. In addition to providing our incredible team with top medical benefits, balanced schedules, and competitive salaries, our staff also receive a continuing hands-on training from our partners and neurorehabilitation specialists in the United States.